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National Lampoon's European Vacation staring Donald Trump

For the aesthetic principal I voted for the Constitution party candidate in the last presidential election - I've vowed to vote 3rd party in National elections for the rest of my life. Not in 2020 though, it's trump.

Who by the way is not an angel. He's formally a quasi Clinton crony, the Clinton campaign secretly promoted him to win because they though they'd never lose to him. They also F'd over Bernie. Their trump plan backfired.
I guess that also answers your question about my sincerity.

Why do you keep making things up?

Well I do remember you making the comment here "even my fat tail can dunk"

Let's see it - I'll call you out on that lie.
I'd rather a press that isn't adversarial or compliant. Simply fact based with no thought to how it relates to the current admins line. I think the major outlets pigeon hole their own brands with the pundit shows they have. Like Hannity and Maddow. They'd see a far better response as far as trust if the "news" outlets dropped these shows and went strictly fact based. Start a separate network that focuses on opinion if that's what they want.

Put more simply, if the President states something that is not true, how am I expected to know that without either doing the research entirely on my own, to determine if his statement is true or untrue, or by relying on a free and honest press to fact check and tell me if it is true or not true? I mean, there is such a thing as the "Big Lie", and I do believe, in a very Orwellian fashion, this administration is a proponent of the Big Lie. Such as, for example, calling the press the enemy of the people. That is an opinion shared by any authoritarian who has ruled over any nation that ever had a free press. I do not believe the role of the press is to report facts alone, without placing those facts in some kind of context. When the president lies, and it can be determined that he has lied, I expect a free and honest press to say as much. If that makes a particular press outlet seem adversarial, well, don't lie!
Well I do remember you making the comment here "even my fat tail can dunk"

Let's see it - I'll call you out on that lie.

It doesn't exactly boggle the mind that a 6'4+ guy in his 30s can dunk. I don't know why that comment stuck with you, but it isn't relevant to anything being discussed. I can live with you thinking I'm lying about my dunking ability.

Why can't you back up any of those claims you continue to make? Medical outlook was better in the early 20th century! People were more educated during the time of the founders! What drivel! I expected more from someone with such voracious philosophical training.
Put more simply, if the President states something that is not true, how am I expected to know that without either doing the research entirely on my own, to determine if his statement is true or untrue, or by relying on a free and honest press to fact check and tell me if it is true or not true? I mean, there is such a thing as the "Big Lie", and I do believe, in a very Orwellian fashion, this administration is a proponent of the Big Lie. Such as, for example, calling the press the enemy of the people. That is an opinion shared by any authoritarian who has ruled over any nation that ever had a free press. I do not believe the role of the press is to report facts alone, without placing those facts in some kind of context. When the president lies, and it can be determined that he has lied, I expect a free and honest press to say as much. If that makes a particular press outlet seem adversarial, well, don't lie!

I fully agree on the don’t lie part for the president and would extend it to all politicians.

As for the context. That can easily be presented in a fact based way of the agency reporting makes any attempt to be thorough. Context, is important.

But while we have a lying president I also feel we have an adversarial press based on party affiliation not truth or lies. We saw this with Fox et al. When Obama was president. I do not believe we have what you and I want in the press or president unfortunately.
I fully agree on the don’t lie part for the president and would extend it to all politicians.

As for the context. That can easily be presented in a fact based way of the agency reporting makes any attempt to be thorough. Context, is important.

But while we have a lying president I also feel we have an adversarial press based on party affiliation not truth or lies. We saw this with Fox et al. When Obama was president. I do not believe we have what you and I want in the press or president unfortunately.

Yes, we have always had press outlets that were essentially organs of particular parties. That has really always been the case, even though our parties have obviously changed throughout our history. And, as I said earlier, I do recognize "overkill" when I see it on MSNBC. I could turn off the cable news entirely, and it's likely a good idea to at least take a break from it, which I do. But, from my perspective, it's senseless to watch Fox. I find many of the guests on MSNBC to be excellent at analysing the news of the day. The hosts at times wear on me, and that's where I see the overkill or hyper partnership most of the time. Well, we are who we are, and it's tough to get away from that. As I've said many times, I would like to understand better why liberals and conservatives see the world so differently. Frankly, it baffles me. But, then I ask myself "how can anyone not see right through Trump?", and I am once again reminded on what side of the divide I find myself on. And that really cannot change, whether I ever understand the "why" of it all or not.
Yes, we have always had press outlets that were essentially organs of particular parties. That has really always been the case, even though our parties have obviously changed throughout our history. And, as I said earlier, I do recognize "overkill" when I see it on MSNBC. I could turn off the cable news entirely, and it's likely a good idea to at least take a break from it, which I do. But, from my perspective, it's senseless to watch Fox. I find many of the guests on MSNBC to be excellent at analysing the news of the day. The hosts at times wear on me, and that's where I see the overkill or hyper partnership most of the time. Well, we are who we are, and it's tough to get away from that. As I've said many times, I would like to understand better why liberals and conservatives see the world so differently. Frankly, it baffles me. But, then I ask myself "how can anyone not see right through Trump?", and I am once again reminded on what side of the divide I find myself on. And that really cannot change, whether I ever understand the "why" of it all or not.

Like Fox I find MSNBC to be agenda hustlers. Nothing more.

Across the board my opinion of the media has been lessening more and more. This started happening before Trump ever appeared on the political landscape. I think this is the case for a lot of people. Then Trump comes along and throws fuel on that fire.

As usual, I appreciate your posts and opinions. I like being challenged to think and presented different view points.
Why are you so determined to support this cretin who pisses everyone off and treats people like ****? What is wrong with you?

Partisan Republican, that’s why.

My dad is a staunch word of wisdom following mormon.
With all things trump has said and done and the morals he shows that he lacks you would think my dad would hate trump.

But alas, my dad is a fierce Obama hating republican and sends me emails showing his support of trump frequently.

I just don’t get partisanship. I will never support someone or hate someone strictly based off of what party they are in. I don’t understand why anyone would yet I’m certain that I’m in the minority.
Well I do remember you making the comment here "even my fat tail can dunk"

Let's see it - I'll call you out on that lie.

What lie? That he can dunk? Why would he lie about that?

Btw, I have met Siro in real life. He is in decent shape and is about 6 foot 5 inches.
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Like Fox I find MSNBC to be agenda hustlers. Nothing more.

Across the board my opinion of the media has been lessening more and more. This started happening before Trump ever appeared on the political landscape. I think this is the case for a lot of people. Then Trump comes along and throws fuel on that fire.

As usual, I appreciate your posts and opinions. I like being challenged to think and presented different view points.

Well, this is the problem. The public's opinion of the press, broadcast and print, has been ebbing for years. Yet, I believe a free press is vital, and the last thing needed is for someone like Trump to label a free press the enemy of the people. The last thing we needed is to create a situation where there is no truth, only the truth one chooses to believe. Something like Pizzagate was a baldface lie, but it is still believed to be true by some, and at least one individual thought it factual enough to shoot up the pizza joint at the center of that lie. There is nothing I can personally do to improve anyone's opinion of journalism, but it saddens and worries me no end to enter this so-called Post Truth Era. I do believe it is an extremely negative development. And it is being applied in many areas, not just in our judgement of what is true or not true in the news fed to us. There is a reason the Flat Earth movement is enjoying an uptick, and it's very much connected to the erosion of trust in authority in many realms, and our entry into this Post Truth Era.
Partisan Republican, that’s why.

My dad is a staunch word of wisdom following mormon.
With all things trump has said and done and the morals he shows that he lacks you would think my dad would hate trump.

But alas, my dad is a fierce Obama hating republican and sends me emails showing his support of trump frequently.

I just don’t get partisanship. I will never support someone or hate someone strictly based off of what party they are in. I don’t understand why anyone would yet I’m certain that I’m in the minority.

Baffled by Mormon support of Trump.

My dad supports Trump too. I almost never speak with him because of his views. That's not all there is to it but it's a big part of our relationship disintegration.The interesting thing is that Hitler basically killed my grandfather(my dad's father) by sending him to battle on the Eastern front.

I put Trump in the same category as Hitler and treat people who support him as I wish people who supported Hitler would have been treated. We can't ignore this cancer and hope it goes away. It's not about politics, it's about humanity.
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Baffled by Mormon support of Trump.

My dad supports Trump too. I almost never speak with him because of his views. That's not all there is to it but it's a big part of our relationship disintegration.The interesting thing is that Hitler basically killed my grandfather(my dad's father) by sending him to battle on the Eastern front.

I put Trump in the same category as Hitler and treat people who support him as I wish people who supported Hitler would have been treated. We can't ignore this cancer and hope it goes away. It's not about politics, it's about humanity.

My dad is actually awesome and we have a great relationship. He is a great and caring person. He is just a republican and therefore likes whoever is a republican candidate and doesn’t like whoever is a democratic candidate.

It makes absolutely no sense to me but people like that are the majority. By far. I mean that’s why trump and Hillary were the top 2 vote getters without a doubt.
Well, this is the problem. The public's opinion of the press, broadcast and print, has been ebbing for years. Yet, I believe a free press is vital, and the last thing needed is for someone like Trump to label a free press the enemy of the people. The last thing we needed is to create a situation where there is no truth, only the truth one chooses to believe. Something like Pizzagate was a baldface lie, but it is still believed to be true by some, and at least one individual thought it factual enough to shoot up the pizza joint at the center of that lie. There is nothing I can personally do to improve anyone's opinion of journalism, but it saddens and worries me no end to enter this so-called Post Truth Era. I do believe it is an extremely negative development. And it is being applied in many areas, not just in our judgement of what is true or not true in the news fed to us. There is a reason the Flat Earth movement is enjoying an uptick, and it's very much connected to the erosion of trust in authority in many realms, and our entry into this Post Truth Era.

I absolutely agree in a free press. But I very disappointed in what we are generally doing with out free press. But I fully oppose shackling the press by the government
Where’s Briton?

mindless spell-check editor probably did this. Pretty sure an Aussie like Rube would try to spell it right. The typical spell-checking editor programming keeps turning out the stupidest errors you can imagine.