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Game Thread Apr 25, 2022 7:30PM MT: Jazz at Mavericks - Game 5

Added to Calendar: 04-25-22

If he wanted it to be true he’d have used a different setting… whatever animal we are we wouldn’t last in the jungle… maybe he should have said a docile milk cow doesn’t change its colors?
Yes, but paper tigers change their stripes all the time. They’re paper and can be changed by whoever is using them or has a box of Crayolas.
Thanks for coming. It’s been a fun ride. Get rid of both Don and Rudy and please get rid of Conley. I had more fun watching kirlenko lead teams and break down crying. He cared. He wanted to win. Don just wants to move on and no one wants to play with Rudy. I’ve been a Jazzfan for over 40 years and it just hit me that we will never win a title. I always new it was unlikely but we can’t keep talent or sign the people we need. We’re to “boring” in Utah. Damn it. I’m grouchy. Carry on
Thanks for coming. It’s been a fun ride. Get rid of both Don and Rudy and please get rid of Conley. I had more fun watching kirlenko lead teams and break down crying. He cared. He wanted to win. Don just wants to move on and no one wants to play with Rudy. I’ve been a Jazzfan for over 40 years and it just hit me that we will never win a title. I always new it was unlikely but we can’t keep talent or sign the people we need. We’re to “boring” in Utah. Damn it. I’m grouchy. Carry on
Rudy Gay DNP/CD. What did he do to Quin?