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Is sex overrated?

Is sex overrated?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 11 34.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 21 65.6%

  • Total voters
I have yet to have any sort of sexual relations with a woman that I actually love. I'm finding that hooking up feels rather empty if you don't have strong feelings for the girl

This is probably about personality. I'm like you too. So sole poontang felt empty to me. At least after a while. But I guess motivations are important to determine what you expect to receive from a sexual activity. I mean I myself always change my mood about many stuff, and sex is no exception. If I'm really me, I'm like what I've said before, feels empty. But libido is a silly thing. I can jump on a chick's buns if I'm in the mood but if I'm not, then I kinda feel like the way I started this thread and don't care even if it's Laetitia Casta.
This post baffled me. So I googled alexis texas. Gak.

I'm too old to be this naive.

I feel bad for your future wife if you're expectations are going to rest on standards set by porn stars.

when you were 16, what did you do? thinking about your future wife or looking to pornographic magazines with old porn stars?

Put yourself in to my situation and respond to yourself. What can i do, could i f*** my friends? No, and i have to inform you that i'm bit ugly so, pornographic movies and porn stars is my standards.
when you were 16, what did you do? thinking about your future wife or looking to pornographic magazines with old porn stars?

Put yourself in to my situation and respond to yourself. What can i do, could i f*** my friends? No, and i have to inform you that i'm bit ugly so, pornographic movies and porn stars is my standards.
If you are not hideously ugly, don't worry my dear brother. You will be a chick magnet with that height of you. Just be patient, wait for your body to mature and don't get into any bad habits. You'll be fine.

Still, it would be for your good if you reduce the pron if you can.
I asked this, because it really feels that way to me sometimes. Sure there are a lot of factors to make you feel that way or a lot of'em to make people believe whatever it is they believe, but I think it is a fact today that it is pumped really hard to the generations since I don't know, destruction of the Berlin Wall? I do not think it's useless by saying that it's overrated, it's a necessary pleasure in my life, well at least right now. I just think that, maybe it's the people around me but, people tend to turn around it their whole lives pretty ****in' extremely. This to me seems pointless and drowning in the mainstream.
Good thread, good post.
I think the fact that we're all a bunch of dudes talking about this is too bad.

Thing is, men can have an orgasim pretty much every time they have partnered sex or solo sex. Women aren't in the same boat. And while there are better and lesser orgasims for men I get the very strong impression that the spectrum for female orgaism is much much larger.

So while we have guys saying it's more important to eat tropical fruit and have a loving relationship we're forgetting that so many women never have an orgasim with their partner. Many of those same women have a very difficult time having an orgasim alone, if they're even comfortable putting in the required effort. So it's easy for us to say sex is overrated, but for them what's being said is that their orgasims are not important or necessary to the success of the relationship. I disagree. It is monumentally important to make sure your female partner has satisfying sex at least once in a while.

Then there is the understated way in which mutually satisfying sex creates very strong bonds. Again, as us guys talk about this I think it's lost because I don't think it works the same for us. But, if you can take your female partner to new levels of sexual satisfaction that she has never had with anyone else it will create a very powerful bond. The key is that for most women they won't get there unless they are already in a secure relationship and they feel very comfortable with their self and their partner. So if that foundation has been set and then you carry her over the threshold, so to speak, you have definitely taken your relationship to a new level. There are no amount of trips to the San Diego Zoo that will replace that.

So banging for the sake of getting off, yeah, overrated. But putting in the selfless and compassionate thought and effort to truly satisfy your partner as part of your long term committed relationship...not underrated at all, no way it could be. It is extremely important.
doesn't it kind of depend how horny you are or what mood you're in?

I just think your opinion would change depending on those (an other) factors...

So it's difficult to give just a "yes" or "no" answer to this question.
I think the fact that we're all a bunch of dudes talking about this is too bad....

hey, watch it there...

(I sort of had to quit reading your post half-way through, was getting a little steamy there and my screen started fogging up....)
If you are not hideously ugly, don't worry my dear brother. You will be a chick magnet with that height of you. Just be patient, wait for your body to mature and don't get into any bad habits. You'll be fine.

Still, it would be for your good if you reduce the pron if you can.

I was gonna write a imagery joke here that included shih-kebab, but then I quit.
I'd much rather spend time with a down to earth chick who's cool with watching jazz games, watching Seinfeld with me, or who wishes to drive up to Greek Slovaki or The Pie in Salt Lake than have a nice 45 second romp in the sack. To me, there's so much more to life than sex. There's visiting the San Diego Zoo, hanging out at the beach, traveling to Rome, eating tropical fruits, reading classic books, and watching Kanter/Favors dominate.

If you ever need proofreaders/editors for your online dating profiles, just let us know.
If you are not hideously ugly, don't worry my dear brother. You will be a chick magnet with that height of you. Just be patient, wait for your body to mature and don't get into any bad habits. You'll be fine.

Still, it would be for your good if you reduce the pron if you can.

Thank you my brother for this good advise. Actually i try to reduce the pron but you know, it's nearly impossible because of the young generation(which i'm in)
For example, in the locker room
before trainings, we talk 3 things. How to develop our games and to get to
the next step, school life and the last thing which is miserable, pron. You know it's not like i am the only one who watches these type of things, because of the provocative acts of my friends, even i don't want to, i remember it and after the training, you know the story.

Yes with that height it's normally very easy to have pretty girls as a friend, but in reality, it's too hard. I don't have any time and being a person timid, which doesn't help me lol, it's likely impossible to join the groups which contiens girls.

Btw, buna da şükür. I have a goal and the only entity i want to accomplish is that.
I fake my orgasms.

Well good for you!

Thank you my brother for this good advise. Actually i try to reduce the pron but you know, it's nearly impossible because of the young generation(which i'm in)
For example, in the locker room
before trainings, we talk 3 things. How to develop our games and to get to
the next step, school life and the last thing which is miserable, pron. You know it's not like i am the only one who watches these type of things, because of the provocative acts of my friends, even i don't want to, i remember it and after the training, you know the story.

Yes with that height it's normally very easy to have pretty girls as a friend, but in reality, it's too hard. I don't have any time and being a person timid, which doesn't help me lol, it's likely impossible to join the groups which contiens girls.

Btw, buna da şükür. I have a goal and the only entity i want to accomplish is that.

Don't worry man look at Kanter. It will go on 'till 20 even on Playboy hangin'out level and at 21, it's over.

The I look at some other examples like the one in the mirror and maybe it may not :S
when you were 16, what did you do? thinking about your future wife or looking to pornographic magazines with old porn stars?

Put yourself in to my situation and respond to yourself. What can i do, could i f*** my friends? No, and i have to inform you that i'm bit ugly so, pornographic movies and porn stars is my standards.

Y'know, you actually make a pretty valid point here. I didn't really have much access to porn at that age, but I thought about it a lot.

16 was a long time ago for me. Sometimes it's difficult for me to remember that mindset.