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1/10/2015: Jazz @ Rockets 6PM MST

I think we may both be right.
I remember kanter keeping us afloat in the first half. I went back and checked and he did a pretty good job. (Lost one point during his stretch and scored 6 points in 6 minutes and played good defense)
You say he killed in the 2 quarter. Maybe his did kill us later I that second quarter after his good stretch in the early part of the second.

I think so. All in all, not bad for a first game back at all-- and he was among probably the top 6 or so players who performed today (lots of offensive boards & putbacks). Still, his defense is paltry, and I don't really see how he fits unless he accepts like 8--9 mill per year, as a third big on this team. His defense drives me bonkers though.
I think so. All in all, not bad for a first game back at all-- and he was among probably the top 6 or so players who performed today (lots of offensive boards & putbacks). Still, his defense is paltry, and I don't really see how he fits unless he accepts like 8--9 mill per year, as a third big on this team. His defense drives me bonkers though.

I think it has become clear that he should be a backup big and I think that well help alot because he is such a bad passer that it will help him to play with a line up where he should shoot alot more rather than pass to a scrub
I think so. All in all, not bad for a first game back at all-- and he was among probably the top 6 or so players who performed today (lots of offensive boards & putbacks). Still, his defense is paltry, and I don't really see how he fits unless he accepts like 8--9 mill per year, as a third big on this team. His defense drives me bonkers though.
I actually did check the play by play and kanter came in with three minutes left in the first half and the jazz down 3. Then we were down 9 at halftime.
So that must have been the part you were referencing
I think it has become clear that he should be a backup big and I think that well help alot because he is such a bad passer that it will help him to play with a line up where he should shoot alot more rather than pass to a scrub

I agree 100%. Problem is, should we just roll with Booker as a third big, and use the Kanter money elsewhere? Like, Burke will be due for a contract too-- he's in his 2nd year. If Burke keeps improving at this rate, we might have to roll out a deal for him. And then Exum too. On top of that, we still need a really good perimeter defender. Our best defender is a 26 year old rookie with no NBA experience before this reason-- nuts.
I like Millsap as next as the next guy, but he shouldn't be playing more minutes than Favors and Kanter.

Well, different positions. Favors and Kanter are part of a 4-man rotation. At SG, Jazz have no one else besides Jingles. I'd much rather see Millsap and Williams divide up the time and limit Ingles to playing behind Hayward.
An obvious alt. Not that I care. But I expect all alts to check with me first before being allowed to 'act' like they are a newb. Doesn't fly.
And I am not kidding.
I am.

I am still not trained enough to detect these so called "alts", so it's good to have the savvy veteran cleaning up the riff raff. I do remember George (Dalamon I thought) and a Craig M.? dude from "Provo". Other than that, I'm oblivious to the dark world of alting. Thanks for enlightening my consciousness.
Kanter doesn't help you win. He's in the same mold as David Lee, Carlos Boozer, and Al Jefferson. He puts up good offensive stats in the box score but ultimately doesn't have a well rounded game that lifts a team Into the win column.

This is fine if you need a 6th or 7th man and loads of cash to burn. But at this point, I feel like we are going to lose him this offseason or screw over our franchise by paying him too much money. Someone will be dumb enough to pay him big bucks. Might as well get something out of him while we still can.

If we can get a mid first rounder for him Id be happy. We could combine that pick to either move up in the draft or use it to get us another wing.
It's crossed my mind that main Ingles' basketball attribute is his appearance of a 40 year old white bum. Opponents simply can't take him seriously on either end.
he looks like Gregory House the brilliant crippled doctor with a rye sense of humor from taking all the pain pills.
Overall, I was not expecting too much due to the back to back (and last night was a hard-fought game) and it is the end of the road trip. However, I hate the rockets, a leftover emotion from the mcgrady era. I agree with those that say Hardin is not championship guy. He is the next mcgrady playoffs wise... Anyway, watching the rockets keep pushing Jazz guys in the back and stuff (an action I loath as a basketball player, and esp now that i'm old.) I wanted Kanter to punch any of them tonight.... I was more ticked than I thought i'd be about the loss. Some thoughts on players:
Jingles is loved and hated because he is, at the same time, everything you want in a Jazzman, but yet not good enough. He runs the offense, he facilitates offense at times, and makes some good passes, does the right things, but unfortunately, he simply isn't good enough to be rotation player on a contending team. I'm hopeful that Hood is that player. An upgraded version of Jingles, who in particular, can hit threes regularly. Hood does a good job as a facilitator of the offense. We just need him healthy.
The Kanter Konundrum - Fish and Dalamon discussing his performance illuminated this. I don't think his defense "sucks" as much as I think he is lacking judgment at times. The subtlety in this is that his hustle and effort are high, he's just not able to do the right thing all the time. Rudy, regardless of his length, has that defensive IQ. Is this because Rudy has been relegated to focusing on D his whole life and Kanter has been focused on O his whole life? So the Konundrum is if you believe Kanter can get defensive IQ. I did see a couple of times that he left his man to help, but didn't help all the way so it was just a pass off to his man who scored. This is the sort of thing I place my money on the Jazz org/Quin's team and will get him to learn to play D (because Kanter appears to want be good at d, unlike his typical comparisons, Big Al & Boozer)
Trey... He's really turned the corner. On tired legs tonight and against Beverly, who's a good on-ball defender, he had a tougher night, but overall his recent stats and play are good. Much of the improvement is purely his shooting (better sleep and weight lifting habits or something...) but his actual pg play is much improved. Tonight he had some PnR plays that I haven't seen him make for some time. It is clear he has taken some feedback from the coaches and is adjusting his game. He still has room for improvement but he's only 1.4years in the league so there is reason to be optimistic if his shooting remains consistent. It is still very unknown to me his influence on the team: does he help bring the team together or is he self centered. His demeanor on the court shows me he not much of a 'team guy' or leader. That doesn't mean he isn't a positive influence, but I don't see it.
Dante... he simply has to get stronger mentally and physically. not much to do with him other than let him grow up and see what you have 1, maybe 2 years from now.
Kanter doesn't help you win. He's in the same mold as David Lee, Carlos Boozer, and Al Jefferson.

For what it's worth the jazz win lots with Carlos boozer. Went to the western conference finals even. Boozer ****ed up the rockets in the playoffs.

The warriors are doing pretty good this year and in past years with David Lee.

Charlotte was not doing **** until Jefferson showed up and started kicking *** and dragged that wretched franchise to the playoffs.

Otherwise, I agree with you
For what it's worth the jazz win lots with Carlos boozer. Went to the western conference finals even. Boozer ****ed up the rockets in the playoffs.

The warriors are doing pretty good this year and in past years with David Lee.

Charlotte was not doing **** until Jefferson showed up and started kicking *** and dragged that wretched franchise to the playoffs.

Otherwise, I agree with you

Charlotte going to the playoffs was not because of Al Jefferson. They were one of the worst offensive teams in the league, but had an incredible defense.
Charlotte going to the playoffs was not because of Al Jefferson. They were one of the worst offensive teams in the league, but had an incredible defense.
Your point?

No big al, no playoffs.

Big al was on that team that had an incredible defense btw and played lots of minutes for them
Your point?

No big al, no playoffs.

Big al was on that team that had an incredible defense btw and played lots of minutes for them

I thought my point was obvious... you credited Al Jefferson for "dragging that wretched franchise to the playoffs", and I was saying that Charlotte made the playoffs last year primarily because of their elite defense and not their 24th ranked offense.

Al Jefferson played better defense in Charlotte, certainly, but he was by no means the reason they were elite defensively.
How many rings do Lee, Boozer, and Jefferson have?

I get scoring stats are cool and score you big contracts... But defense wins championships. The more and more I watch the NBA, the more and more this holds true. No one seems to care much about guys like Ben Wallace, Tyson Chandler, Rudy Gobert, Andrew Bogut... But you sure as hell miss them when they're gone.

Some are beginning to understand this. Recently I was watching a GS WArrior game. The announcer suggested that none of the splash bros were the most important players, but Bogut was. Completely agree. Bogut transforms that team.

People are beginning to recognize boring defensive minded players still trump superstar offensive power. Just look at what boring old Duncan did last year in the playoffs.

Now it seems like fans have forgotten the whole Boozer Memo era. We had the best offensive front court in the NBA. It got us very little playoff success because they ultimately would score 60 per game but would give up at least as much.

Gobert and Favors transform this team. They can hang with anybody because defense can be consisteny good. Kanter? Will be hit and miss sometimes, depending on how his shot is falling.

If he was ok as a 6th man and would settle for a small contract, cool. But he won't.

Sorry but that's not worth the price it's going to cost. We really need to trade his *** while we still can. Otherwise, he's going to walk and we will have NOTHING to show for it.
Gobert and Favors transform this team. They can hang with anybody because defense can be consisteny good. Kanter? Will be hit and miss sometimes, depending on how his shot is falling.

But they don't put enough pts in the basket and can be reeled in and over taken ,at any point in the game.....you got to have a big or a wing who can score . Hit and or miss Kanter can score ,do you watch the games ,Kanter turned 22 and has stepped up ,at 23 the guy is a star.WHAT IS WRONG WITH JAZZ HAVING KANTER ,FAVORS AND GOBERT
Kanter is that odd man out. Jazz without him did at least compete and still lost the game.
With him, no competition whatsoever!
so he must be it!

Though Hayward, E, Millsap, E. Williams screwed up big time with their lousy shooting, this "L" is still on Kanter.
For what it's worth the jazz win lots with Carlos boozer. Went to the western conference finals even. Boozer ****ed up the rockets in the playoffs.

The warriors are doing pretty good this year and in past years with David Lee.

Charlotte was not doing **** until Jefferson showed up and started kicking *** and dragged that wretched franchise to the playoffs.

Otherwise, I agree with you

I'm with ya, fish. Boozer was possibly the best offensive big in the league for the Jazz. Unfortunately, unless your name is John or Karl, the majority of this board doesn't acknowledge players for their contributions unless they are perfect.
Kanter was the only shine on that turd last night. He'll be the third big off the bench this season, and that's great. It's the prefect role for him right now, just like everyone and their dog has said on this site. Don't worry so much about him, we have our dominant front court of the future discovered in GoBallzz and Favors. Kanter will be just fine and valuable player. Let's hope we can keep him on the cheap side.