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2019 Trade Deadline Discussion

I think the Jazz discussing Lowry is mostly a smokescreen to get Memphis to waver.

Lowry this season is the ultimate "stats don't tell the full story" guy. The Raptors were pretty meh when Lowry missed a stretch of games and the Raptors offense boiled down to Kawhi ISO play after play.

The bigger problem with a potential Lowry trade is that I just can't think of a deal that makes sense for the Raptors unless they're really keen to get him off the team for some reason. They're firmly in win now mode and I don't think giving them Rubio/Favors for Lowry makes them better.

It'd be a three teamer with Memphis... If Toronto wants Conley and Memphis wants that deal then they have to do something with Lowry.
There is a long and strong black history there, son.

You mean like MLK being killed there? I get that Blacks have been there longer than out in lily white Utah, but that history is spotted at best. This article from the LA Times sums it up.

“Memphis is still poor and people are still fighting for a livable wage,” he said as throngs of families, pastors, activists and union workers lined up outside the museum. “We still have so much to do.”

Five decades after King launched his Poor People’s Campaign and came to Memphis to support striking sanitation workers, this majority-black Southern city is the most impoverished metropolitan area in the nation, with nearly 20% of residents living below the poverty line.

Blacks in the city of Memphis suffer disproportionately, with a median household income of about $31,000 — barely more than half that of whites, according to census data. More than 52% of the city’s black children live in poverty."

SLC may not have the history of Memphis, but that could be spun as a good thing too. We need more ambassadors like DM to tell the tale about how great Utah is.
Forget Conley. Can we go get Aaron Gordon?
Rubio + Favors + Exum + 3 First Round picks. I think Orlando is cheap as hell and would bite on this offer.
You mean like MLK being killed there? I get that Blacks have been there longer than out in lily white Utah, but that history is spotted at best. This article from the LA Times sums it up.

“Memphis is still poor and people are still fighting for a livable wage,” he said as throngs of families, pastors, activists and union workers lined up outside the museum. “We still have so much to do.”

Five decades after King launched his Poor People’s Campaign and came to Memphis to support striking sanitation workers, this majority-black Southern city is the most impoverished metropolitan area in the nation, with nearly 20% of residents living below the poverty line.

Blacks in the city of Memphis suffer disproportionately, with a median household income of about $31,000 — barely more than half that of whites, according to census data. More than 52% of the city’s black children live in poverty."

SLC may not have the history of Memphis, but that could be spun as a good thing too. We need more ambassadors like DM to tell the tale about how great Utah is.
This undersells the history of black people THEMSELVES in Memphis. The history THEY created. And that there is a substantial black community there in contrast to a place that is one of the most bereft of black people in the entire nation.
I don’t like Conley or Lowry very much, but they are both a WAY better option for us than Rubio. Rubio. Can’t. Shoot. Rubio must go. He is simply not the answer. But we cannot give up either Favors or Exum as well if we do something.
Forget Conley. Can we go get Aaron Gordon?
Rubio + Favors + Exum + 3 First Round picks. I think Orlando is cheap as hell and would bite on this offer.
Three 1sts is steep, but Aaron Gordon could easily be the third piece that is missing and needs to be found. I am definitely of favor of pursuing him.
I don’t like Conley or Lowry very much, but they are both a WAY better option for us than Rubio. Rubio. Can’t. Shoot. Rubio must go. He is simply not the answer. But we cannot give up either Favors or Exum as well if we do something.
At least one of them will have to be included.
Wouldnt surprise me if Lindsey works a trade that is completely different from what's been leaked. I know it used to piss off KOC when stuff got leaked.

Or just fold up shop and go home. If Memphis and others want too much, wait for the draft and free agency to add a couple of decent rotation players. Favs would likely be brought back. No clue re: Rubio. If he doesn' t find a better offer maybe a 1+1 deal like Favs signed?