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******* dads.

Do you miss the reefer?

Not even a little bit. Don't get me wrong, if it were all of a sudden cool with my faith and my family, I'd hit it again quicker than VinylOne on gay porn, but I don't ever crave it. (Except sometimes)

Beer on the other hand...
Much rather be sober or any other kind of intoxicated. Also the drip and post-headache are awful.

I'm not suggesting it's a good habit to pick up. But if you're thinking of trying out to see what coke is like, I'm telling you that I thoroughly enjoyed it the few times I tried it.
I don't mean a full on confrontation, but I think it would be pretty maddening to watch all this going on without at least calmly saying something along the lines of, "I really disagree, and I've always seen my role as a parent to be there for my kids no matter what instead of them being in my life to make me proud. In fact, the less proud I feel of them, the more they probably need me to love them in that moment l. My love for my children has no off switch, I've given them a piece of my heart."

Say something like that, calm and classy, and maybe it will stop some of the group think going on in the family.

Growing up can be rough. Would suck to have bad parents.

Seriously? I had the impression you at least had LDS roots, but you have no idea how LDS families work. . . or don't work, to be more precise.

Lessee. . . . .

So there's this tribe in deepest darkest AmazoniaCongoland that can only be discovered by crawling into a certain cave in the Australian Outback, coming out on an unknown island no one has discovered yet in the hollow earth under the Antarctic Icecap, where you have to crawl outta the cave and jump down into what looks like a freakin' volcano. . . .into the jungle of all jungles, where the tribe of Mormons can be found existing in their natural habitat, a sort of irrigated Hell, if you will. . . .

MormonDad goes to the Wardcouncil while MormonMom goes the WardquiltingBee, a sort of His/hers clearinghouse of social acceptability. They have to talk about their kids, in connection with comparatives from all the other wardDads and wardMoms, and the main criteria of acceptability is a pious submissive demeanor while properly attired on Sunday mornings. It might LOOK live two kids are each doing all the right things, smiling properly at all the Right People, but you hafta be there, and hear the gossip, to get the significant clues as to what really lies deep in the hearts of MormonKid and SatanKid. Piranhas feeding on hunks of raw meat are more "Christian" than these status exchanges in Mormonland.

But it doesn't matter.

Trout, Don't make the mistake of assuming there is justice, or good sense, in this world. Just do what needs doing when you see something you care about. I can bear you my personal testimony that you can buck the Mormon tribe and just not give a crap, and say what you think you must. It's like the price early Christians paid for saying they worshipped Jesus, sure you get helped right out to a new world and new life, but it's a better life. There's a bigger tribe just around the bend of the river that'll take you right in, comprised by the UGLI millions who have done just that.

Right here on Knowitall Mountain, I can see the problem. It looks like what happens when a cow births twins. They are both perfectly good calves, but the second one always totally displaces the first one because it's smells are the latest smells to bind to the Mom's receptors, and forever that calf will smell like "hers" while the other one just has to be bottle-fed.

I have twins myself, and momma rejected the firstborn from day one and bonded with the other. Anyway, I have bottle-fed a lot of rejected calves, and I bottle-fed my twins, too.
Things are never black and white. I find it counterproductive to place all the blame on one party. Each person should see what things they are doing that are causing conflict and try to improve. No one is perfect. Perhaps you could take that approach with the Father. I know your upset with your son and he did some things he shouldn't have but as a family member I have notice he gets good grades, goes to church etc as is doing positive things but I am not sure if he gets enough positive reinforcement for the good things he does. You can even quote studies about positive reinforcement if he believes in science.

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If I was the other kid I'd leave as well. If the dad is willing to do that to my sibling he will be willing to do that to me.
If I was the other kid I'd leave as well. If the dad is willing to do that to my sibling he will be willing to do that to me.

Depends on the amount of sole inheritance and overall health condition of dad, though.. right?
Depends on the amount of sole inheritance and overall health condition of dad, though.. right?

Haha, actually I had a chance to be rich. I'm adopted (twice actually) and my first adoptive dad's family was extremely well off.
That would make me the blackest sheep in the family, and I'm already grey enough, thank you very much. Besides, do you really think he'd listen to me?

Do you need me to arrange something for you and the you you wish you were at his age?
So, that's my rant. What do you guys think? Regardless of what this kid did, also assuming he may be totally innocent, is the dad justified in saying those things and acting like that? What would it take for you to snap and treat your son or daughter like that? I'm genuinely curious at your responses, because I think I'm in the minority here when I say, there is nothing short of murder or rape that would make me disown a child?

Are you an ******* dad?

I have no personal reference as I have no children and only have a 14 year old cat named Rollins.

That being said, I don't think you're out of line or nuts for thinking and feeling what you do. I think the father in your story sounds like a complete ****ing ******* and probably has a lot of dysfunction in his life. I think if you looked to his childhood, you'd find some sort of issue as most of these types of issues are generational.

The rub in this story is that the kid might be better off not having that guy as his Dad...in the long mental run. In the short run, as a kid being kicked out of the house, that's pretty ****ed up. The father sounds like your run of the mill religious hypocrite where his religion plays no role in making his life or the life of his friends and family better.

In respect to the other folks you mentioned that have taken the father's side, are they blind to the scenario? Do they not see the Dad as an *******?