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******* dads.

I did some things at 18 that put me at odds with my entire family(nearly landed me in jail) but it was a turning point for me. Up until that point I would have sold my dead grandmother for a candy bar. I was an absolute pile of ****(liar, unethical, thief) but the shame and disrespect I brought to my family, made me have a hallelujah moment. I hope this kid is able to find that for himself, with or without the ******* "dad". Keep us posted!

Really? I never would have guessed. Goes to show you, you never really know a person.
I agree-- but I feel like the kid needs some adult support & it's a bummer he has zero people who love him in his life

Edit: my dad isn't nearly, NEARLY as bad as this pile of excrement-- but he's no angel either, and I don't really have too superb of a relationship with him.

My mom is my best friend, tho.

Give it a few years, trust me it will reverse.

That's pretty much 80% of males. Father/Son relationships tend to be more tense.

My dad was awesome before he drowned. He considered me his best friend. Did everything together since I was like 1 year old.
Crazy cool stuff.
On the other hand, he also snorted coke in front of me and banged mega chicks on the side (while still married to my mom).. all with me 'around.'

I am gald I had the experiences I had. I feel like I have, for the most part, taken the good stuff and said no thanks to the bad..

Many fathers want their sons to be their best friends. Boys turn into teenagers and want to be normal teenagers, which creates a bit of resentment in fathers, hence the blow back. Especially since loving fathers tend to have a hard time letting kids go and grow up.
Oh, we're talking recreational drugs now? Never tried coke, hate weed bad, hate shrooms and acid, but holy **** meth was a helluva drug. I see why people get addicted.
Oh, we're talking recreational drugs now? Never tried coke, hate weed bad, hate shrooms and acid, but holy **** meth was a helluva drug. I see why people get addicted.

I have never tried coke either, I've done shrooms a couple of times, and I just recently started smoking weed again. The weed out here is fantastic.
Oh, we're talking recreational drugs now? Never tried coke, hate weed bad, hate shrooms and acid, but holy **** meth was a helluva drug. I see why people get addicted.

Never tried drugs in my life. Been at parties where it was happening but never interested me.
Never tried drugs in my life. Been at parties where it was happening but never interested me.

Acceptance is a big deal. When you don't get acceptance at home/school, you'll latch on to anyone that will accept you.

I'm not saying you were accepted, nor am I saying this is the silver bullet/master gauging tool. But if you don't feel accepted, the numbers say you'll find a way to feel accepted.
That's pretty much 80% of males. Father/Son relationships tend to be more tense.

I think you're right for the most part.

I used to fight with my dad all the time. He's a hardass, and you do things his way or you don't do it at all. We also work together, so we were around eachother all the time. Eventually I found God, changed my attitude, and my dad mellowed out. He's my best friend now. We still work together and talk about everything. I wish everybody could have that kind of relationship!

As for this story, dad seems like a prick, but we only know one side of the story too.
I think you're right for the most part.

I used to fight with my dad all the time. He's a hardass, and you do things his way or you don't do it at all. We also work together, so we were around eachother all the time. Eventually I found God, changed my attitude, and my dad mellowed out. He's my best friend now. We still work together and talk about everything. I wish everybody could have that kind of relationship!

As for this story, dad seems like a prick, but we only know one side of the story too.

And even the side we have isn't that of the son or father.
I just got a call from the father and we shared a few heated exchanges. I told him that he needed to forgive his son and let him move back in, or WWJD, essentially, and he told me to **** off. I then got a call from three other members of the family each telling me how out of line I was for telling their dad my thoughts.

I've had it.

I know I'm way late to the parade, but... You're a good man, Trout. I'm sure we're all curious about the specifics, but they aren't important. This a**hole disowned one of his two sons over what sounds to be something pretty unimportant in the long run, and the family condones it? Sounds to me like you're the only white sheep. I hope you take it a step further and give the kid a new home.
Nothing beats weed.
Coke does.

Like you said, not a good habit to have for long term and like cy said, it's pricey (especially if you do it like I do, which most people do....... line after line after line till it's gone) but damn do I feel great and have a blast when hittin that booger sugar