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Hood ain't that good

The problem with Hood is that he doesn't get to the basket or the line. It's very hard to be an efficient scorer without that, and it's not something you can just pick up and start doing. Combine that with his endless health problems and you get the inconsistent, yet sometimes spectacular player we've seen over the past three seasons. Maybe everything will come together and he can take a leap, Beal was in a similar spot, but I wouldn't count it.
Lol... we aren't talking about adding a floater to his game, or a little hook shot... We are essentially asking him to change his entire game. Driving to the hoop isn't even IMO a thing learned as much as its and change in attitude. And yes they have all those resources but players are going to play their games and will play to their strengths.

Has Hood ever had the green light like he is going to get this year? Both in college and on the Jazz he was asked to defer to another scorer. We have never seen Hood featured, and especially featured with an elite playmaker. It may not work out like we hope, but it certainly ain't going to be the same as last year.

Bradley Beal, a shooter who has had injury issues, also had a very low FTR in his 3rd year (his lowest FTR was actually in his 2nd year and lower than anything Hood has produced) then improved it to a respectable rate in this 4th year, and went on to improve it more in his 5th year. So it's not impossible like you are saying.

I agree that its possible for sure, but it might be worth noting that Hood is actually older than Beal, and isnt nearly as good of a 3 point shooter (Beals worst 3% was his rookie year at .386 Hoods best is .371) and being a legit 3 point threat can open the game up for you to drive to the basket and create contact
This is a cereal vs. milk argument. Just because Rubio will handle and initiate more than Hood will doesn't mean that Hood should never do it.
And that's what I said in my 2nd sentence.

My main point is that a lot of the offense flowed through Hayward last season. Neither Hill nor Mack had high assist rates. That will be different with Rubio. The offense will generally run through him, with players looking to score off his passes. So there isn't the need for a wing to generate the same number of assists that Hayward did last year.
And that's what I said in my 2nd sentence.

My main point is that a lot of the offense flowed through Hayward last season. Neither Hill nor Mack had high assist rates. That will be different with Rubio. The offense will generally run through him, with players looking to score off his passes. So there isn't the need for a wing to generate the same number of assists that Hayward did last year.

Go vote in the current player draft!
Sorry to bump an old thread again but the other day I watched a couple games from earlier last year and it was weird to see Joe Johnson and Rodney Hood on the team and how by the end of the season we didn't miss either one of them at all. And then thinking about how Hood had to duck out of the starting lineup at the last second on opening night and Donovan started the game just made this old thread seem appropriate.

Sigh. Still about a month to training camp.
I was never much of a hood fan, as evidenced by my comments over time here. When he was shipped off it didn’t phase me.
I kinda thought we'd give him a call, but with Dante, Allen, Royce and of course DM we are stacked at his position. We could use a guy that can create a shot if he'd just get out of his head I think he could be a good contributor and give us something we need.

Sad deal, but dude cost himself so much money with his attitude as much as his poor play.

Somewhat shocked he didn't get a MLE type deal (maybe it was offered, but I doubt it). I mean Kyle Anderson got MLE.
I kinda thought we'd give him a call, but with Dante, Allen, Royce and of course DM we are stacked at his position. We could use a guy that can create a shot if he'd just get out of his head I think he could be a good contributor and give us something we need.

Sad deal, but dude cost himself so much money with his attitude as much as his poor play.

Somewhat shocked he didn't get a MLE type deal (maybe it was offered, but I doubt it). I mean Kyle Anderson got MLE.
I have it on good word, and will post about it soon, that his role of three point volume and percentage shooting will be filled by Favors.
I have it on good word, and will post about it soon, that his role of three point volume and percentage shooting will be filled by Favors.

With all due respect... I will strongly disagree.

Would love to be completely wrong doe.
I'm sure he's kidding.
Dead serious. Favors is the new Curry. Hoping to break the news in the next week or two but need to get my facts together.
Dead serious. Favors is the new Curry. Hoping to break the news in the next week or two but need to get my facts together.

I’m sensing either a thread that has a Niko spin or an epic game thread style “Favors is the new Curry” thread.

Either way I’m here for it... can’t wait.