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Sensabaugh and Hendricks watch thread in gleague

What happened to County George? He only played three minutes in the first half.

God damn you THT!!!! Idiot

Go Knicks!!!

WTH Sexton!!

How the hell is that shrimp? Getting a rebound like that

Well keeping with the name with all these post in this thread...

I get being okay with losing for a better pick. But this active cheering for the other team is terrible. I am not usually one to criticize how does their fan business, but this is rough. I guess I should just put you on ignore for the season since this is pretty much the only thing you contribute now.
Well keeping with the name with all these post in this thread...

I get being okay with losing for a better pick. But this active cheering for the other team is terrible. I am not usually one to criticize how does their fan business, but this is rough. I guess I should just put you on ignore for the season since this is pretty much the only thing you contribute now.
I am rooting for wins. We win by losing. I must be the only fan that loves the jazz enough to sacrifice my entertainment for as long as it takes for the jazz to be serious contenders. I’ve sat through cheering on thousands of wins and what have all of those wins got me? We haven’t even come close to sniffing the finals since Stockton and Malone. Those countless thousands of wins have taken us no where fast. So what’s the point of the jazz even winning a single game this year only to still miss the playoffs and still lose our pick. Explain that one to me? I care about losses because I care about my team. You can root for your team the way you choose.
I am rooting for wins. We win by losing. I must be the only fan that loves the jazz enough to sacrifice my entertainment for as long as it takes for the jazz to be serious contenders. I’ve sat through cheering on thousands of wins and what have all of those wins got me? We haven’t even come close to sniffing the finals since Stockton and Malone. Those countless thousands of wins have taken us no where fast. So what’s the point of the jazz even winning a single game this year only to still miss the playoffs and still lose our pick. Explain that one to me? I care about losses because I care about my team. You can root for your team the way you choose.
What you dont realize is that your path is the worst for us right now. Either we:
1) Have "the guys" already, and we just need to develop them
2) We trade for "the guys" giving out those draft assets you want to use
3) We draft "the guys" in some future drafts

Sucking to a 20-62 record hurts both #1 and #2, as no player (current or incoming) wants to play for a crappy franchise, and the FO wont jump on good players in trades or FA if we suck.

Dont pretend to be some kind of a superfan because you only see 1 path. It just means you dont believe in the guys we have and/or the FOs ability to get the right guys we need.
What you dont realize is that your path is the worst for us right now. Either we:
1) Have "the guys" already, and we just need to develop them
2) We trade for "the guys" giving out those draft assets you want to use
3) We draft "the guys" in some future drafts

Sucking to a 20-62 record hurts both #1 and #2, as no player (current or incoming) wants to play for a crappy franchise, and the FO wont jump on good players in trades or FA if we suck.

Dont pretend to be some kind of a superfan because you only see 1 path. It just means you dont believe in the guys we have and/or the FOs ability to get the right guys we need.
Lmao. Shows how much you know. You do a mix of 1, 2, and 3.

We have picks spanning over the next 5-6 years. You lose and develop early and get high picks. You’re either going to get lucky and get the top 5 guy you need to carry the team to finals contention if not hopefully you are building a serious core, then depending on what happens the first few years you are continuing to develop and trade for a star. Depending on what happens dictates what you do later but if you skip steps, then you lose options.
I 100% guarantee every last effing one of you when the draft comes and we end up with say the 10th spot and lose our pic. All of you will be thinking dang if you would’ve just lost an extra three or four more games we’d have our pic instead of sitting there with nothing, and for what? Don’t get any delusions that we’re going to make the playoffs this year.
Lmao. Shows how much you know. You do a mix of 1, 2, and 3.

We have picks spanning over the next 5-6 years. You lose and develop early and get high picks. You’re either going to get lucky and get the top 5 guy you need to carry the team to finals contention if not hopefully you are building a serious core, then depending on what happens the first few years you are continuing to develop and trade for a star. Depending on what happens dictates what you do later but if you skip steps, then you lose options.
Oh so going for top 5 guy here now?

Ok. I'm going to tell you there is ZERO chance we get that guy from 2024 draft. I mean the chance that guy even exists in this suspect draft is close to zero, but to luck out and land him definitely rounds down to zero.
So your goal has to be the 2025 draft. Well if we hard tank for Flagg or Boozer, its at best like a 30% chance that we even get top 2 pick (Detroit got #5 with the worst record last year, imagine getting screwed by the league like that lol), and then maybe 30% chance that one of those two turns into a top 5 player and its pretty much 50/50 chance we will be able to tell which one it is.

So all in all, hard tanking to the worst record for 2 years in a row gives us less than 5% chance to get a top 5 player by virtue of sucking. But what will be the cost? Lauri at least has to go, so we give up one of the best #2 bananas in the league for that 5% chance. Hardy has to go, as he is screwing the tank by trying to win. Hire some scrub HC or someone who has that Pops "coach tank" mentality, then we just gotta hope we get a better HC later on.

Remember you cannot argue about the other picks we own because our own tanking does nothing to them. So getting the top 5 guy with any of them (or a guy like Keyonte) is not related to our record.

You are playing the numbers game where the numbers are stacked against you. Everyone else is playing the smart numbers game. Whenever you are alone with your opinion, maybe question you own knowledge and ability to read the situation first.
Oh so going for top 5 guy here now?

Ok. I'm going to tell you there is ZERO chance we get that guy from 2024 draft. I mean the chance that guy even exists in this suspect draft is close to zero, but to luck out and land him definitely rounds down to zero.
So your goal has to be the 2025 draft. Well if we hard tank for Flagg or Boozer, its at best like a 30% chance that we even get top 2 pick (Detroit got #5 with the worst record last year, imagine getting screwed by the league like that lol), and then maybe 30% chance that one of those two turns into a top 5 player and its pretty much 50/50 chance we will be able to tell which one it is.

So all in all, hard tanking to the worst record for 2 years in a row gives us less than 5% chance to get a top 5 player by virtue of sucking. But what will be the cost? Lauri at least has to go, so we give up one of the best #2 bananas in the league for that 5% chance. Hardy has to go, as he is screwing the tank by trying to win. Hire some scrub HC or someone who has that Pops "coach tank" mentality, then we just gotta hope we get a better HC later on.

Remember you cannot argue about the other picks we own because our own tanking does nothing to them. So getting the top 5 guy with any of them (or a guy like Keyonte) is not related to our record.

You are playing the numbers game where the numbers are stacked against you. Everyone else is playing the smart numbers game. Whenever you are alone with your opinion, maybe question you own knowledge and ability to read the situation first.
You clearly didn’t read my post or your comprehension is severely lacking
I 100% guarantee every last effing one of you when the draft comes and we end up with say the 10th spot and lose our pic. All of you will be thinking dang if you would’ve just lost an extra three or four more games we’d have our pic instead of sitting there with nothing, and for what? Don’t get any delusions that we’re going to make the playoffs this year.

I guarantee I wouldn't think "if only I was 10 times more obnoxious on the forums, then the Jazz would have had a better pick".
Sensi jumped the shark tonight. Hits the game winner for his 29th point. Christopher with 28. A couple of Stars that were solid tonight were point guard Isiah Miller and big Nik Ogenda. Juzang and Potter are with the varsity tonight. A two point win vs the Ignite.
Sensi jumped the shark tonight. Hits the game winner for his 29th point. Christopher with 28. A couple of Stars that were solid tonight were point guard Isiah Miller and big Nik Ogenda. Juzang and Potter are with the varsity tonight. A two point win vs the Ignite.

The expression to "jump the shark" refers to screwing up and leading to a downward slide. It refers to the tv series Happy Days when Fonz literally jumps a shark while water skiing. That marked the beginning of a decline in the quality of Happy Days as a tv show. Hence, I wouldn't say that Brice jumped the shark. He shot the ball pretty well and was able to create some offense, including the game-winner.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs9M1m-dpgM
This was the book on him in college. I even argued this in the trade thread and @Handlogten's Heros and others swept under the rug because it was me saying it. I basically said if you want to draft him late teens early 20’s he’s a great pick but 9 to me was a massive reach, and HH did call him the most ready nba product. To which I was loling hard core.

That may be the most disappointing draft I ever sat through

I saw it coming a mile away. Lets just hope he proves us wrong.

Calling all haters… it’s time. Now you have seen it in a g league game. So here’s the deal - the Tay Henny bus is leaving the station. You can get on board and enjoy the scenery or you can stay at the bus station with the other meth heads mumbling about Bilal or Jarace or JHS. Y’all can huddle up and spoon together on cool nights and survive on your own or you can get on the climate controlled bus headed to fun basketball town. But you gotta decide now… the doors are closing and we out this B.

Your choice.


The Tay Henny Bus Driver

View attachment 15470

Well now that he’s had a good G-League game I’ve changed my stance on everything.

There will be lots of seats still available in a few months and the price will the same as it is now. Fans jump to conclusions on players significantly faster than real development occurs.

I'll walk.
Oh ye of little faith.
The Stars with a 23 point win vs the Celtic JVs. Sensabaugh with 20 Juzang with 28. Potter had a double double and Christopher was two assists short. In another GLeague game Darius Bazley who was taken with one of the draft picks for Conley, had 43 points 18 boards.