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The design of the Great Pyramid is based on the ratio 11:7. This ratio (equal 1.571) is perfect approximation of the “squaring the circle” principle.

For the Great Pyramid, Base to Height Ratio 440/280 is exactly 11/7

Most “pyramidologists” appear to be “chasing their tails” uncovering huge amount of “numerical coincidences” embedded in the Great Pyramid…

It is simply unbelievable, however ALL of these numerical coincidences are result of selecting just 4 numbers for the pyramid design: 7, 11 (height to base ratio), 40 (the scale factor), and the 4th key number is the value of the measuring unit: Royal Cubit = 20.62 ” = 0.524 m.

This single, fundamental design principle: 11 : 7 Base to Height Ratio generates ALL amazing mathematical properties of the Great Pyramid:

the Golden Ratio Phi=1.618 (the Great Pyramid is a Golden Pyramid: length of the slope side (356) divided by half of the side (440/2 = 220) height is equal to 1.6181818… which is the Golden Ratio Phi
squaring the circle ratio 1.571 (base/height = 44/28 = 1.571)
pi=3.14159… (2 x base/height = 2 x 44/28 = 3.14286 which is very close approximation of “pi” = 3.14159…)
Perimeter of the square base, 4×440=1760, is the same as circumference of the circle with radius = height: 2x ”pi” x height (2x 22/7 x 280=1760)
The ratio of the perimeter to height of 1760/280 cubits equates to 2x pi
to an accuracy of better than 0.05%
Side of the base (440) plus double height (2x 280=560) = 1,000
Perimeter of the square base is equal 4×440=1760 RC = 0.5 nautical mile = 1/7,200th of the radius length of the earth
the slop angle 51°.843
The Pyramid exhibits in the design both pi and by Phi, given the similarity
of 2/ sqrt(phi) (2 divided by the square root of Phi) with pi/2 :

....so in conclusion, the Egyptians were far more intelligent over 3,000 years ago than modern man who, according to you, is "evolving" into a higher form of life superior to any in past history! Can you explain that?

What does this drivel have to do with anything?
Cut and paste technology.

I can't stop laughing at that gibberish. A bunch of stuff about pyramid design that HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING. Followed by a rebuttal of a supposed theory of mine about humans "evolving into a higher form of life superior to any in history". ROFL.

What a ****ing sociopath.
CJ, the king of stealing other people's work without giving any credit. It's like an obsession of his.

CJ, does God know you're a habitual thief?
What does this drivel have to do with anything?

Particularly given that, if we're really going to discuss evolution, 3000 years is nothing. With the length of the human lifespan, you would likely have to look at over 10000 year spans to see any type of evolution.
Particularly given that, if we're really going to discuss evolution, 3000 years is nothing. With the length of the human lifespan, you would likely have to look at over 10000 year spans to see any type of evolution.

Evolution has nothing to do with "evolving toward a higher form of intelligence". You'd think that he would have at least gained a basic understanding of what evolution is during the times he butted in on those discussions with copy/pastes from Bible thumping websites.
Can we please get back to Canadians being idiots? Thanks.

You're welcome.
That is OFFENSIVE! My ancestors didn't slave day and night to come with a numbering system just so that you colonialist Westerners can STEAL it! Stick to your XMVIIwhatever numbering system please.

we stole NOTHING from you. Zero, zilch, nada...
False, like everything else you say. It was the Indians.


I was responding to Joe's hilarious youtube find of so called "higher education" being higher and then your assertion that Indians came up with the numerical system in use today, when I correctly pointed out that it was the Egyptians who invented it some 3,000 years ago....and since it has not really been improved on since then, that humans were much "smarter" and more "intelligent" when closer to perfection since the "Garden of Eden" thus debunking the popular conception that man started out as "grunting" bumbling lamebrain, incapable of performing even basic skills and speech....when just the OPPOSITE is true!

As far as the reference to the "Pyramids"...I used that as an example since, even to this day, they are still viewed as the most amazing feats of engineering, so much so that some have even speculated that they were/are products of "Aliens" from outer space! (Believe there was a movie that came out years ago centered around that foolishness! Someone help me here!)

Here's an interesting quote to substantiate the point I was making!

"They say that since the pyramids of Giza were built about 4500 years ago, people back then couldn’t have been skilled enough to do it. However, we’re ignoring that numerous remarkable developments were happening all those millennia ago. There are many things that were discovered in the distant past that still serve us today. The Egyptians made many brilliant innovations (something I will have to write more about in another post)—simple things that we still use today, which have barely changed over the millennia since they first conceived, from the earliest forms of paper and ink, to the 24 hour day."

That is OFFENSIVE! My ancestors didn't slave day and night to come with a numbering system just so that you colonialist Westerners can STEAL it! Stick to your XMVIIwhatever numbering system please.

1907 was a bad year, economically-speaking, in the US. A run on the banks. . . .Some copper cartel wanted to drive metal prices down so they could buy up their major competitor. man, how some things never change. . .
I think it's just cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion has been around for thousands of years. Yoga isn't owned by anyone. It can't be stolen. It's not owned. Doesn't even matter if it changes in the hands of an adopting culture. That happens naturally too. Not to mention we're one world more then ever before.


I think anyone should be able to patent a culture, and collect royalties on anyone who wants to use it. But you should have a lawyer-tight definition of it, with diagrams, on file in the patent office, or some mega-cartel with scads of lawyerly help will just steal it anyway. . . . uhhhmmm. . . . yah, they'll steal it anyway no matter what, if there's a buck in it.