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Who are you?

It was in all the local hoser papers. He died in the woods. Either he got caught in a bear trap and starved to death, or else he stepped on one of the land mines he had planted. I forgit which right now.

Which locality? Link?
He was asked to 'change'? Change what? His posting style? His name? I don't get it -- from what I understand, he was banned for trolling. Obviously, posting pure garbage/jibberish/worthless tripe is not grounds for trolling, so it stands to reason that JC wasn't really banned for trolling. It appears that he was 'asked to change' his name, and when he didn't comply he was banned. So, which is it: He was asked to change his posting style and he didn't conform, or the mods lied to cover the fact that they're just a little touchy when someone uses satire to poke fun of their religion. Either way, it's unfair moderation. I guess it's not my site, so the mods can be as unfair as they want, but don't lie to us about it.

Intellectual Honesty: Just Do It.

*p.s.* Geeze Catrat, why so harsh, baby?
Jesus and I are close, I talk to Him every day so let me confirm: He was banned for having the name Jesus Christ, which the mods felt was simply too controversial. The religious moderators of this site could not stand to see their savior be presented in a way they don't worship, and if they had it their way, they'd also like to ban all controversial religious discussion completely. Thanks for reading.

Eye'z a rememberz you!

You must be mistaken. I'm a new member here, and I just found this board a few days ago.

In fact, I'm not really even a Jazz fan. I'm a disillusioned Cleveland Cavs fan looking for a new Home. After browsing this board for two days, I've decided to keep looking. Anyone know the web address for the Hornets message board? That Chris Paul looks like the next big thing.
I'm a disillusioned Cleveland Cavs fan looking for a new Home. After browsing this board for two days, I've decided to keep looking.

If I knowwed, I would sho nuff tellzya, Freek, but offhand I can't rightly remember just what team A.I. is on now, if any.
You know you're right 99 % of the time when someone has to reach back several years to find the last time you were wrong.:)

And for the love of God, please don't revert back to your old persona. At least try and keep it toned down like it seems you're doing for the most part. I've actually enjoyed reading many of your posts on the main board, as opposed to wanting to scratch my eyeballs out.

I was Mantis on the old board too, not that anyone would likely remember me since I posted so rarely, and for the most part without controversy.
He was asked to 'change'? Change what? His posting style? His name? I don't get it -- from what I understand, he was banned for trolling. Obviously, posting pure garbage/jibberish/worthless tripe is not grounds for trolling, so it stands to reason that JC wasn't really banned for trolling. It appears that he was 'asked to change' his name, and when he didn't comply he was banned. So, which is it: He was asked to change his posting style and he didn't conform, or the mods lied to cover the fact that they're just a little touchy when someone uses satire to poke fun of their religion. Either way, it's unfair moderation. I guess it's not my site, so the mods can be as unfair as they want, but don't lie to us about it.

Intellectual Honesty: Just Do It.

*p.s.* Geeze Catrat, why so harsh, baby?

Wow. Look at Dave with all the emotion of a 15 year old volleyball player. Adoring to say the least. Do you get this emotional when ripping the savings from one of your "clients" hands?

Also, please refrain from using my coined terms, you ****ing hack.
