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Why the Jazz Can't Beat the Rockets With Gobert

This is what happens when you only read the headline instead of actually watching the video.

Also, Exum's 17 "mediocre" minutes helped us win the game, so I expect Cy to eat crow all day tomorrow.
You had a opinion before posting the video clown. The video is not your opinion, it's Coach Nick's opinion.
QS needs to make Favs the primary defender on Capel and put Rudy on the weak side baseline (where you normally hide a guard that is a poor defender). This allows Rudy to help(rather than be on an island) while simultaneously disrupting the 3rd option in the Harden /capella PNR, the weak side corner 3.

You can take away capella forcing Harden to choose between a difficult shot and a difficult pass. A pass which if made I bet Rudy can recover to to some degree.
Also forces Capella to deal with Favors on the offensive end and Rudy on the defensive. Allows Rudy to hit the offensive boards with more energy and Capella(defensive boards) with less.
This is just the latest impatient meme perpetuated about the Jazz— formerly, it was “Fav and Rudy can’t coexist.”

There’s been one game this series, we cleaned it up in the 2nd half, and were down two rotation players. We lost an away game to the #1 team in the league. Everybody calm the **** down.

This is what happens when you only read the headline instead of actually watching the video.

Also, Exum's 17 "mediocre" minutes helped us win the game, so I expect Cy to eat crow all day tomorrow.
Ahh. So you're going with option number 1, defend your position. Bad choice. Your claim that people are slamming you for the headline and not the content holds no water.
Ahh. So you're going with option number 1, defend your position. Bad choice. Your claim that people are slamming you for the headline and not the content holds no water.
My headline is the headline of the video. This is what I actually wrote in my opening post, which you clearly didn't read:
"Hopefully Gobert can make drastic adjustments for this series, but more importantly, I hope Snyder comes up with a plan B, because Houston is probably the worst match up for Gobert."

It's not my fault people don't actually read (or know how to read). And Snyder and Gobert both made good adjustments. However, if D'antoni is even a slightly decent coach he will have a counter to this (more Harden/Capela PnR, Paul/whoever PnR for instance). So I still hope Snyder has a plan B to counter this in case Gobert doesn't continue to acclimate.
On a different note, my respect for Snyder increased dramatically when he finally started playing Burks and Exum more minutes. It took a Ricky Rubio injury for him to make this change, but at least he made it. And we had so many posters here laughing at the prospect of playing Burks and Exum. Those people can take an L.
It's not my fault people actually read.
Fixed. Check out what you said in your own posts before you make this weak *** defense. You may want to talk with Snyder and the coaching staff. They could probably help you with proper defensive adjustments. You don't throw up the white flag and sit your best player.