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Why we are going to draft Gordon Hayward...

Lol, comparing Gordon Wayward to one of the greatest passers, defenders, ball theifs, tough nosed players of all time. Embarrassing.

Yeah, you don't get it and are an idiot. Thanks for playing. GTFO of my thread now...please.
I mean, like, really, what is it with alla yawl whiners, eh? The Jazz finish tied for the 3rd best record in the Western Conference this year, just 1 game behind Dallas, but they can't beat LA without two of their starters, so now they just suck and need to blow up the team, fire the coachin staff, and start playin "random basketball," that the idea, is it?

Who's whining about the team? this thread is about Hayward there has been no mention of blowing up the team.. Take a break, get away from it for awhile.
Hayward is not a bad choice. You have to give the guy some credit: he actually led his team to #2 rankings in NCAA and is only 20. He can be a very sold player. What concerns me though is lack of athleticism. SG/SF position features the most athletic players in NBA, and it might be a tough transition. I would be really happy with Hayward if we picked in high teens. For #9 it would be nice to get someone with less of a question mark. But, Hayward is not bad ... for a high teen selection.

I think a slightly better choice though might be Henry. He was the best player on #6 rated team, 2nd leading scorer there and has tremendous athleticism. Only 19 years old, and a good shooter with 3 point range. I think his skills have a better chance translating to next level than Hayward's.

Another guy is Babbitt, but he played crap competition all year. Sure, numbers are good, but reminds me too much of Kris Humphries as a prospect. Basically, a huge gamble which may or may not work out. At 9 you want a bit more certainty.

To me Henry gives the best chance of becoming a good player in NBA.
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happy birthday Honz! The best thing about Gordon Hayward is how much is looked like his college coach. He probably looks a bit like you, too! Is that why you like him so much?

i think we should try to play a game and see how many words we can make from the letters in his name: G O R D O N H A Y W A R D


no really, I like him, and he had quite a decent tournament. Too bad they didn't win, I was pulling for Butler!

No Hayward
I'm with you on this one Honz. Hayward is a Christlike child. Look at his face and how he buttons up his top shirt button. That is the kind of modesty and geeked up appearance I look for. Maybe he won't play good ball, but he'll definitely choose the right.
I mean, like, really, what is it with alla yawl whiners, eh? The Jazz finish tied for the 3rd best record in the Western Conference this year, just 1 game behind Dallas, but they can't beat LA without two of their starters, so now they just suck and need to blow up the team, fire the coachin staff, and start playin "random basketball," that the idea, is it?

...."random basketball?" Is that the politically correct way of saying HOPPER BALL?
...."random basketball?" Is that the politically correct way of saying HOPPER BALL?

For Adrian Dantley, Chauncey Billups, Marshmello, and them, it seems to be, eh, CJ? I can't remember if I ever posted a link for it now. Ya want one?

Edit: Here one is, if ya do. I guess I done done it before, after all. Click on "ESPN" there, if ya wants more.

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Can we sticky this for 2 years? I can't wait to watch people eat their words. I've had a smile on my face since the moment those two beautiful words rolled off David's plump lips.
Can we sticky this for 2 years? I can't wait to watch people eat their words. I've had a smile on my face since the moment those two beautiful words rolled off David's plump lips.
Kudos for calling the pick, honz. But you oughta set the table, too, in case you need to eat your words in the other direction.
Kudos for calling the pick, honz. But you oughta set the table, too, in case you need to eat your words in the other direction.

Oh, I'm well aware of the possibility. Jesus Christ knows I've been wrong about draft prospects before. I will say this though...I was one of the few that liked the Maynor pick from the beginning. My track record is impeccable.
Lol, comparing Gordon Wayward to one of the greatest passers, defenders, ball theifs, tough nosed players of all time. Embarrassing.

Not that I'd make the comparison, but if the '84 draft was redone, Stockton would have been the 4th pick. Why did he slide to 16?
I'm with you on this one Honz. Hayward is a Christlike child. Look at his face and how he buttons up his top shirt button. That is the kind of modesty and geeked up appearance I look for. Maybe he won't play good ball, but he'll definitely choose the right.
Do I need to do more than this to prove to you all that I'm truly Jesus Christ?

Let me tell you that I know the future. I'm omniscient. And Gordon Hayward isn't going to be Larry Bird, Luke Jackson, or John Stockton. He is a player you've never seen before. He's going to be Gordon Hayward. Your prayers have been answered.
Do I need to do more than this to prove to you all that I'm truly Jesus Christ?

Let me tell you that I know the future. I'm omniscient. And Gordan Hayward isn't going to be Larry Bird, Luke Jackson, or John Stockton. He is a player you've never seen before. He's going to be Gordan Hayward. Your prayers have been answered.

Thank you Jesus, and God bless.