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This take is naive. To the general population and the anti-vax community, one vaccine is very much like another.

no that take is the truth. The people who are blind to the problems with the Covid injections try to equate those shots with the tried, tested, safe effective and necessary vaccines that we've all universally benefitted from so much and that have eradicated so many threats to human life over the last century.
no that take is the truth. The people who are blind to the problems with the Covid injections try to equate those shots with the tried, tested, safe effective and necessary vaccines that we've all universally benefitted from so much and that have eradicated so many threats to human life over the last century.
Is it the mRNA thing that sets it apart?
Is it the mRNA thing that sets it apart?

uhh it doesn't stop you getting said disease very effectively, it doesn't stop transmission, the boost in immune protection was relatively short lived, it was for a virus that by the time the shots were rolled out posed little threat to the young and healthy. So it provided a degree of reduction in the risk of death or serious illness to the elderly, those with poor health, dementia, obesity and other various risk factors. It certainly did very little to curtail the course of the virus. It was not studied properly for short term safety signals before being released, and it has no medium to long term safety data. As opposed to actual vaccines that are highly effective at preventing infection, safe long term and lead to eradication of many conditions. That's what set it apart. It beggars belief that Covid injections are grouped together with actual vaccines that work properly.

The mRNA platform is certainly an issue but that's not what i'm referring to
no that take is the truth. The people who are blind to the problems with the Covid injections try to equate those shots with the tried, tested, safe effective and necessary vaccines that we've all universally benefitted from so much and that have eradicated so many threats to human life over the last century.

Also, the people who see the problems with the covid vaccine equate those problems with all vaccines. Which is why vaccine rates for all vaccines are on the decline.

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no that take is the truth.
The truth presented in a naive way.

The people who are blind to the problems with the Covid injections try to equate those shots with the tried, tested, safe effective and necessary vaccines that we've all universally benefitted from so much and that have eradicated so many threats to human life over the last century.
In the US, covid is still the third leading cause of death. It is deadlier than measles.
The truth presented in a naive way.

In the US, covid is still the third leading cause of death. It is deadlier than measles.

most likely because you're all so incredibly unhealthy. Here it is the 33rd leading cause of death in 2023

and the truth is the truth. Which is far more important than whatever way it is presented.
Also, the people who see the problems with the covid vaccine equate those problems with all vaccines. Which is why vaccine rates for all vaccines are on the decline.

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maybe amongst people you know. The vast majority of people i know myself included who have issues with the covid injections very much still are for the traditional vaccines

There's certainly been a bit of a decrease in getting the annual flu shots etc but the childhood vaccines here haven't really seen any decrease
Also, the people who see the problems with the covid vaccine equate those problems with all vaccines. Which is why vaccine rates for all vaccines are on the decline.

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Yep. Sadly, it’s not just these morons who are impacted. You, me, our families are impacted because these idiots only want to believe in the science that is in line with their political beliefs. If Trump went hard I mean real hard at promoting vaccines followed by Fox News and the rest of the RW propaganda apparatus, these red states wouldn’t be having issues with these preventable diseases.
maybe amongst people you know. The vast majority of people i know myself included who have issues with the covid injections very much still are for the traditional vaccines

There's certainly been a bit of a decrease in getting the annual flu shots etc but the childhood vaccines here haven't really seen any decrease
Why do you refer to it as "COVID injections" which it's not, while calling other vaccines what they are?
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular gender, sexual orientation, religious, racial or ethnic group as motivated by the perception of the target of hate belonging to a historically privileged demographic. Being woke is a subset of being a bigot.
Source? According to Merriam-Webster it's: " aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) "
This take is naive. To the general population and the anti-vax community, one vaccine is very much like another.
This take is weird to me. Measles vaccines and Covid vaccines are very different. Judging someone for questioning that difference is ridiculous.
Source? According to Merriam-Webster it's: " aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice) "
Merriam-Webster would be the last source I would trust with that definition due to their actions in the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings. For those not aware, ACB responded to a question saying she would not discriminate against anyone on the basis of sexual preference. For saying that, Senator Hirono immediately condemned ACB as an anti-LGBTQ bigot because the term 'sexual preference' implied that sexual orientation was a choice. Within hours after Senator Hirono making the claim that it was a term of hate speech used by bigots, Merriam-Webster changed their definition to retroactively justify the claim. They wanted ACB to be condemned as an anti-LGBTQ bigot and so they charged their definition after the fact to make it fit.

View: https://twitter.com/SteveKrak/status/1316223349719216128

There is nothing wrong with the definition I provided earlier.
This take is weird to me. Measles vaccines and Covid vaccines are very different. Judging someone for questioning that difference is ridiculous.
No moral judgment was intended in my calling his take naive, nor do the actual differences subtract from my point.
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For those not aware, ACB responded to a question saying she would not discriminate against anyone on the basis of sexual preference. For saying that, Senator Hirono immediately condemned ACB as an anti-LGBTQ bigot because the term 'sexual preference' implied that sexual orientation was a choice. Within hours after Senator Hirono making the claim that it was a term of hate speech used by bigots, Merriam-Webster changed their definition to retroactively justify the claim.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc is a well-know fallacy, even if Krakauer was correct about the timing of the change.

There is nothing wrong with the definition I provided earlier.
"Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired" -- Jonathon Swift
Post hoc ergo propter hoc is a well-know fallacy, even if Krakauer was correct about the timing of the change.
Wishing for a thing to be true does not make it so. They did it on purpose and admitted as much in writing. Merriam-Webster released a statement when everyone asked WTF.

"In this case, we released the update for sexual preference when we noticed that the entries for preference and sexual preference were being consulted in connection with the SCOTUS hearings."
--Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster's editor-at-large
Wishing for a thing to be true does not make it so. They did it on purpose and admitted as much in writing. Merriam-Webster released a statement when everyone asked WTF.

"In this case, we released the update for sexual preference when we noticed that the entries for preference and sexual preference were being consulted in connection with the SCOTUS hearings."
--Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster's editor-at-large
This does not mean the update was intended to condemn Barrett. Senator Hirono was referred to a popular sentiment at the time, and dictionaries reflect popular usage.
Since most people are not rational, presentation of the truth matters if you want to encourage certain behaviors, like vaccination.
I appreciate your point of view and have zero doubt on your intention or sincerity. We just disagree. I think the massaging the truth in order to encourage certain behaviours is very much not the way to go and leads to other sequelae
This does not mean the update was intended to condemn Barrett. Senator Hirono was referred to a popular sentiment at the time, and dictionaries reflect popular usage.
That was definitely not a popular sentiment at the time. It wasn't even much of a fringe sentiment. I live on the bleeding edge of the culture war and even I had never heard of the left trying to cancel someone for vowing not to discriminate on the basis of sexual preference. At the time, the struggle session shamers were pushing a cake-and-eat-it-too idea of it being fluid and being biologically based. They believed that many people were gay all along but society had pressed them into straight conformity. Senator Hirono came out of left field which was why everyone went scrambling for the dictionary.