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As many know by now, some airlines are now banning cloth masks on planes….

I'm not surprised by this. Having worn every type of mask, cloth is better than nothing, but I wouldn't consider it overly effective. There's a ton of fake N95's floating around now though so you have to be careful what you purchase.

I think social distancing, good hygiene and not touching everything is a more effective measure but impossible to enforce.
I'm not surprised by this. Having worn every type of mask, cloth is better than nothing, but I wouldn't consider it overly effective. There's a ton of fake N95's floating around now though so you have to be careful what you purchase.

I think social distancing, good hygiene and not touching everything is a more effective measure but impossible to enforce.
Agreed. I ordered a supply of N95 masks very early in the pandemic, when the wait was a long time, due to demand. But, I researched first, and made sure they were NIOSH approved. My glasses still fog up, indicating leaks. They are supposed to be fitted to one’s face, but it’s not like you buy them by size, like shoes or something. They are all the same size. I adjust the fit as best I can. But I confess I am just as likely to grab my blue surgical mask, or double up the blue surgical masks, which our local hospitals required in visiting hours months ago. One needed to wear two surgical style masks at that time, before vaccines were widespread.
I have no problems keeping my claims straight. I acknowledged a 21% reduction in infection against the original COVID for students.
I did misread that. You said " You can pretty much cut the 37% and 21% in half with Delta." An 18%/10% reduction is still significant.

Chicago has a mask mandate in their schools. She died. We obviously don't agree but I believe that sentiment to be selling false hope.
Every reduction matters. Of course, you have to weigh that against the costs of reduction measures. I'm still waiting to hear from you what the gain is from dropping mask requirements.

I disagree. I think people can change their minds. Sadly it sometimes takes the death of someone close to them for their eyes to open, but people can be reached. What I don't think helps is saying "[masks] possibly prevents her from getting covid19". I believe the only way through this is getting the vaccine or getting sick and the latter path is risky.
The vaccine is absolutely the most effective way. However, just like when you wear a condom, it's always good for these to be a second method of protection, so here vaccination is extremely important, but we can do even better.
Vaccinate. Lest we reach 75 million….

Hmmm….Figures cited below are from a study published in July, 2021… Hmmm…

The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, builds on research which has found the number of reported cases “represents only a fraction of the estimated total number of infections”. It has important implications for how many Americans need to be vaccinated to stop outbreaks.

Based on analysis of that data, researchers found as many as 65 million Americans may have been infected.

(Edit: and yes, I did have one buffoon poster in mind when posting this. Said buffoon poster once said, exactly one year ago today, “I ask for proof, when there are anonymous sources, I then provide my own proof with actual human sources. I challenge the crazy idea that exponential growth will somehow make 75-150,000,000 Americans sick when it's mathematically improbable, almost impossible”. Well, I do not expect the official toll to reach 75 million, but unofficially, we may be inching toward that figure. And the virus may yet present a nightmare variant. I hope it is not Mu, and I hope we can tamp down this pandemic).
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quite a few papers are now saying herd immunity ain't gonna happen and most likely Covid is endemic and we'll all get it at some stage as it slowly mutates to become more infectious but most likely less lethal.
If anybody sees Red, he like this type of Tabloid material so you might want to share it to him and him only.

THIS IS A LIE.... THIS IS MISINFORMATION... Propaganda by definition(I had to bold that out so y'all wouldn't share it)....Sad that Democrats need me to point that out

"Although Dr. Jason McElyea is not an employee of NHS Sequoyah, he is affiliated with a medical staffing group that provides coverage for our emergency room. With that said, Dr. McElyea has not worked at our Sallisaw location in over 2 months. NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin. This includes not treating any patients for ivermectin overdose," the statement reads.

All patients who have visited our emergency room have received medical attention as appropriate. Our hospital has not had to turn away any patients seeking emergency care. We want to reassure our community that our staff is working hard to provide quality healthcare to all patients. We appreciate the opportunity to clarify this issue and as always, we value our community’s support."
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quite a few papers are now saying herd immunity ain't gonna happen and most likely Covid is endemic and we'll all get it at some stage as it slowly mutates to become more infectious but most likely less lethal.
This is pretty much what I have felt might in fact be the best case end game. We’ll see I guess. Interestingly, Israel just announced they would be offering a 4th shot! In fact, some of their medical authorities are now suggesting it will be likely that boosters would be needed about every 5 months from here on out. That sure would act as an accelerant in the states, where the vaccine component of our cold civil war is concerned, since it’s obvious the vaccines have become a battle line in our culture wars.
I'm still waiting to hear from you what the gain is from dropping mask requirements.
The gain is that kids like this girl may be alive.

The 10% efficacy of a mask, if the protection is even that high with a cloth mask on a child against the Delta variant which new research is casting doubt on, is not the equivalent of a 95%+ efficacy vaccine. Cloth masks are essentially useless in protecting a kid against the Delta variant but they provide adults an excuse to not get their kids vaccinated because they wrongly believe in cloth masks.
The gain is that kids like this girl may be alive.

The 10% efficacy of a mask, if the protection is even that high with a cloth mask on a child against the Delta variant which new research is casting doubt on, is not the equivalent of a 95%+ efficacy vaccine. Cloth masks are essentially useless in protecting a kid against the Delta variant but they provide adults an excuse to not get their kids vaccinated because they wrongly believe in cloth masks.
Wait a minute. Why would a lack of mask mandates have saved that girls life? Did it say in the article that the only reason she didn't vaccinated was because she thought wearing a mask was better than a vaccine and so she figured the mask would save her life? I didn't see that quote in the article. (Admittedly I was slim reading so maybe I missed it.
In fact, from the article: Dr. Brandon Webb, an Intermountain Healthcare infectious diseases physician, said the death of a second school-aged youth in the state shows why Utahns should be vaccinated and continue to take precautions against spreading the virus, such as WEARING MASKS, social distancing and avoiding large gatherings.
I love all these Trumpers who refuse to get vaccinated because they don’t know what’s in the vaccine and have concerns for it’s long-term effects while consuming hydroxy and some horse dewormer ****.

Misinformation... Not surprised Thriller and Fish fell for such blatant stupidity. Thriller called others idiots 4 times on this page yet fell for blatant propaganda that the dumbest of true idiots should've figure out. Fish it's just natural for him to fall for stuff like this, it's hard to be too hard on him because he doesn't know any better.

In an article published Aug. 23, 2021, about people taking livestock medicine to try to treat coronavirus, The Associated Press erroneously reported based on information provided by the Mississippi Department of Health that 70% of recent calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center were from people who had ingested ivermectin to try to treat COVID-19. State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers said Wednesday the number of calls to poison control about ivermectin was about 2%
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Brown University’s Dr. Jha has been a very familiar face on virtually all the network and cable news outlets throughout the pandemic:

The four tools Jha outlined are vaccines, rapid tests, improving indoor air and masks, and he said that using the first three correctly would mean that the last wouldn't need to be used much.

“If we deploy first 3 aggressively and smartly, we need only use 4th sparingly," Jha wrote.

In a community with high vaccination rates and ubiquitous testing, infection rates would be low, Jha said.

"In that context, would you go to an indoor concert unmasked if everyone was vaccinated, everyone had (a) negative antigen test prior to (the) concert and (the) concert hall had great ventilation/filtration? I would," Jha wrote.
Wait a minute. Why would a lack of mask mandates have saved that girls life?
I don't know for certain that it would have saved her life, but it is possible. The problem with mask mandates is that people believe that even if they haven't taken the vaccine at least they are doing something. It may not be the vaccine but it is something. It is bad messaging and I think it is going to get people killed. The reality is that EVERYONE is going to get COVID at some point. It appears there is no herd immunity with SARS-CoV-2. There was an LGBT Pride celebration in Massachusetts where all attendees were vaccinated with proof and it was still a super-spreader event.

If you think getting the vaccine means you will never get COVID, you are wrong. If you think wearing a mask and practicing social distancing will means you never get COVID, you are wrong. All of the ideas we had earlier in the pandemic about herd immunity or a vaccine eradicating SARS-CoV-2 are proving to be false. Now that we have this knowledge it is important to communicate the vaccine helps your immune system fight off an infection. When you get infected after you've been vaccinated it is like having a cold. It sucks but the vast majority get over it.

The old prevention messaging leaves an opening for anti-vaxxers to claim the vaccines don't work because people are still getting infected and for kids to die because their parents thought they were doing something with masking/social distancing. The whole idea of prevention has to go. There is no prevention. Everyone is going to get it. The messaging has to switch to one of how best to prepare your body to recover from your inevitable infection. Either you can get it when you're not vaccinated and hope your immune system is up to the task or you can get vaccinated to greatly improve the chances your immune system is up to the task.
If anybody sees Red, he like this type of Tabloid material so you might want to share it to him and him only.

THIS IS A LIE.... THIS IS MISINFORMATION... Propaganda by definition(I had to bold that out so y'all wouldn't share it)....Sad that Democrats need me to point that out
That was indeed misinformation. It's true that ivermectin overdose cases in 2021 through August have more than quadrupled the total for the entire year of 2019, and that cases in August alone doubled those of July, but there is no evidence of hospitals being unable to treat these patients.